How to Make a Keylogger in Python


How to Make a Keylogger in Python

Magelang1337 - Keylogger is software or software that can record button pressure in keyboard activity. As a "classic threat" to security, there is currently no complete method of removing 100% keyloggers threats.

  • 🔊 Keylogger Hacking Tips and Software Used
  • 🔊 Know the keylogger type & activity
  • 🔊 How to Hack Using ProRat Tools

In this article, we will discuss how to  make a keylogger in Python . Install python on your computer. This keylogger is called  Str0nger Keylogger @ysfcndgr.

How to install Str0nger Keylogger

* required libraries

$ pip install Pillow
$ pip install pyaudio
$ pip install pynput
$ pip install pyinstaller

* file editing

13. line email
14. line password
15. line send to this email

* Time editing

Mail time automatically set to 2 minute, if you want to change you have to go to code line

Note: All of them has to equal. 11. line 8.line 38.line

Str0nger Keylogger can send email directly from logs such as screenshots, recordings and target keyboard logs.

For more details on how to install it, check the following video: