Windows 11 Warns Misinformation from LSA Off Error


Windows 11 Warns Misinformation from LSA Off Error

LSA or Local Security Authority is a feature released by Microsoft on Windows systems, where this feature allows users to get information about security protection. Users found error information provided by LSA in Windows 11, Monday (20/03).

Microsoft is now getting a number of reports from users, which write that there is a warning error reported by users to Microsoft. This report shows that Windows Security displays LSAs that do not protect Windows 11 systems.

"Local Security authority protection is off. Your device may be vulnerable." Error message received.

This LSA feature works in the background of the Windows 11 system, which will be activated automatically when users update the latest Windows Defender system. Possible problems obtained by users are bugs that are present in Windows Security.

"Under the Device Security and Core isolation settings, Local Security Authority protection is toggled on. However, I am always notified that Local Security Authority Protection is off. Above the category is a message that the change requires that I restart the device. I also have tried turning it off, restarting, turning it back on, and also restarting. The issue still persists," wrote one user on Feedback Hub.

Microsoft is currently giving a warning to postpone the Windows 11 KB5007651 update for those who have not updated to this version, there will be an update provided by Microsoft some time in the future.

As a temporary step, you can follow the fix from the LSA that goes into the moder Off Error, here are the steps:

  1. Open Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Access the following locations; ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa.
  3. Make sure you have RunAsPPL and RunsAsPPLBoot running.
  4. Change the Value to '2'.
  5. Reboot and the error warning should be complete.

Microsoft Note: After the latest update, the app tells you to enable Local Security Authority protection and restart the device even though it's already enabled (the toggle is on). The feature is running in the background. Our tests showed that this could be a bug with the Windows Security interface, which doesn't mean your installation is corrupted.